DSA Sapphyra Bey
Desperansa X Stetson Bey (Bey Shah X Baskeena)

"Sophie" is a tall yearling with an amazing body, hooky neck, and a very nice head.  Her movement is incredible - as a foal she discovered how to jump the mounting block outside in the outdoor arena, and loved to do rollbacks in her paddock around her dam.  She is Breeders Sweepstakes, Iowa Gold Star Futurity, and SHN Payback Eligible.  I am estimating her height at maturity to be at least 15.1.  This is one VERY showy filly - full of snort and blow and we look forward to seeing her in the halter ring this year. 
UPDATE:  Sophie did very well in halter her yearling year, taking mainly firsts with Ashley Green.  She is a very tall 2 year old now, maturing beautifully.  

For Sale:  $3000.00
Photo above by Ashley Green, Valiant Arabians

"Sophie" at 2 years old and a solid 14.1 hands